Cyberduck Cannot Upload From Mac High Sierra

Overview of the best FTP client solutions for Mac in 2022

What does FTP abbreviation stand for?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and while using FTP Mac clients tin connect to the server and download files of various formats. To do this, the user needs to know the FTP server address, too every bit the data for potency (login and password). Although, the FTP server can provide anonymous access, i.e. provide access to everyone who connects to the server.

The protocol is built on a client-server architecture and uses different network connections to transfer commands and information between the client and the server. You lot tin can use the SSH protocol for secure transmission, hiding (encrypting) your username and countersign, too as encrypting the contents.

Brief history of FTP for Mac users

The FTP protocol appeared in 1971, even earlier the advent of such protocols as HTTP and fifty-fifty TCP / IP. Initially, it was used for messaging, with a specific header, betwixt the server and the client. Since that time, it has changed virtually across recognition - a lot of new commands take been introduced, a divide connection has been allocated to transmit information.

The first client applications using FTP ports were interactive command-line devices that implement syntax and standard commands. Graphical user interfaces have since been developed for the many operating systems that are in use today. Nowadays, its use is actively distributed for the transfer of various software, likewise as gaining admission to remote resources.

How to connect to a remote server without using FTP client for Mac

Let's see how to connect to the remote server

As we already know, information technology is non necessary to install any special FTP for Mac utility on the Mac computer to be able to connect to the remote server. The Mac has a built-in customer that is very easy to use.

  1. To open up it, click the Get menu section in the Finder console. At the bottom of the drop-down menu, you lot will run into the line "Connect to the server".
  2. Later that, y'all tin enter the connexion address via ftp: // or the IP accost at which you want to connect to the server. In order not to constantly enter this address, click the plus sign "+" to the right of the input line and the server name volition be added to the favorites listing.
  3. Click the "Connect" button below, after which you volition need to enter login information.
  4. Enter in the Proper name field your login on the server and the password that the host administrator gave yous.
  5. If the FTP server supports anonymous users, and then you lot tin can check the item "As a invitee" - then you will non have to enter whatever data.
  6. In order not to blazon the username and password each time, you can bank check the box "Remember this password in the keychain".
  7. Click "Connect", and then you volition be taken to the server file system.

If yous desire to connect to a secure FTPS server, all you lot demand to do is add the domain prefix to ftps: // instead of ftp: //. This depends on whether the remote server supports SSL and whether FTPS connections are accepted, which is what nearly servers practise. Also, go along in mind that FTPS and SFTP are 2 different protocols; FTPS is FTP with a secure SSL level, while SFTP uses SSH. FTPS connections are supported straight in the built-in FTP OS X function, while SFTP via SSH is non available through the same "Connect to the server" menu. Still, OS X also includes its own SFTP client Mac users can access from the Terminal by typing "sftp username @ host" at the command line.

Let's see how to connect to the FTP server

After connecting to the FTP server, y'all can view the remote server, similar whatever other local folder on your Mac, because the server is processed in the same mode as a regular file system window in Finder. Copying files to a remote server or downloading them to a Mac is easy with simple and familiar elevate and drop. Go to the file or folder that y'all want to copy, then just drag information technology equally if you were copying or moving any other file, and the items will be transferred from the FTP server to the Mac figurer or vice versa.

By default, the window volition be displayed every bit a minimized Finder window, simply you tin can aggrandize the window to your usual Mac Bone Ten Finder mode by pulling the View menu downwards and selecting Testify Toolbar. The main advantage of expanding the window is that you go navigation buttons with forward and backward arrows, too equally sorting options for viewing the FTP server by icon, proper name, appointment, lists and search functions.

Why using 3rd-party FTP customer Mac solutions

FTP features on Mac OS X have been known since the very first days of OS X. Although these features are incredibly useful, they are obviously non as advanced every bit in whatever third-party Mac FTP client, but if you are in a difficult situation and y'all only need quickly to be able to connect to remote FTP to transfer some files back or frontwards, it is more than plenty and what is more it does non crave downloading anything actress.

Since the Finder FTP function does not support some functions that users may wish to have on their Mac, at that place are many third-political party Mac FTP client applications that can perform this piece of work instead, with full back up for FTP, SFTP, FTPS, downloads, uploads, queues, the ability to change permissions, read/write support so on and so forth. If you need more advanced features here is a list of a few free FTP Mac applications as well every bit paid ones. Only first, let'due south try to figure out what does an app should have to be called the best FTP customer for Mac?

What criteria to consider when choosing a good FTP client for Mac

All FTP clients are very like in some ways, simply sometimes in ane of them, you find a modest function that is missing in another i that makes information technology much more useful and convenient for you. Then allow's consider:

  • Compatibility with the operating arrangement you are using, particularly the version of your OS, as some FTP clients piece of work better with particular OSes and their versions.
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel to utilise interface. Having a skillful interface is paramount. Everyone, including beginners, should be able to find their way effectually the software easily and not be confused with information technology.
  • Support for various transmission protocols. Since security is such an of import topic and the standard FTP protocol is insecure, any client should allow you lot to use encrypted methods to connect to the server.
  • Support for encryption. Since FTP protocol does not have any ways of data protection information technology is worth paying attention to the clients that have support for data encryption.
  • Support for large files transfer. The best FTP customer is the one that does non take any limits in size for files uploading or downloading. Besides that, a great plus would be a fast speed for performing these actions.

Also that, y'all should pay attending to general characteristics, namely:

  • stability;
  • the convenience of utilise;
  • design;
  • simplicity and speed of installation.

As to functional characteristics, you should pay attention to:

  • power to alter/rename files straight on the server;
  • ability to speedily limit traffic;
  • ability to intermission file transfer and resume;
  • power to download many files (parallel download or queuing);
  • ability to synchronize folders.

The remainder features of the apps are rather individual and are needed by a relatively smaller number of users. Nosotros cannot say that nobody needs them, only not everyone needs them.

Is FTP secure and reliable?

The FTP protocol itself is reliable and guarantees the delivery of the necessary files to the user however, if everything is in order with the connection. The problem in FTP security is the following. Initially, the protocol was unprotected, and it was assumed that the data channel was e'er reliable. That is why, every information that is transmitted in FTP is in an open form: files, passwords, usernames, and whatever data.

Nowadays, past default, it is assumed that each aqueduct is unreliable and that the data must be additionally encrypted. Unfortunately, the FTP protocol itself does not back up this. If someone intercepts your Wi-Fi traffic or connects to your local network, they will be able to intercept all this information and download it to themselves, in parallel with you.

There is still a security issue: past default, the FTP protocol has no protection against countersign guessing and login attempts, so someone can only try the available passwords to gain access to the folders. If you lot saw in movies almost hackers how they attempt out passwords at the entrance there - this is a very probable situation for FTP. From the point of view of modernistic security, the correct solution is to use one of the encrypted FTP implementations (FTPS, SFTP) or use FTP through VPN.


FTP is a very useful protocol and with its help, you tin transfer files over the Internet. Definitely, you tin connect to the server on a Mac using both built-in solutions and third-political party programs. In full general, these FTP clients for Mac are all alike and offer a broad range of settings that allow you to fully command FTP. However, you tin see in one of them the function that will brand a certain tool your "best friend". You will empathise that it is ameliorate than others because it is more beneficial for yous. So choose the one that you lot like and have a perfect file treatment.

FTP for Mac: Frequently Asked Questions

What is FTP server?

FTP server is a server that provides the ability to use the FTP file transfer protocol. A vivid case of an FTP server tin can be a server hosting, information technology is where all the site files are located.

What is FTP client?

FTP client is a program that allows you to connect to a remote server via FTP and too perform the necessary actions on information technology with elements of the file system.

What are the best FTP clients available for Mac?

Here is the list of the best FTP Mac clients:

  • Commander One
  • Cyberduck
  • FireFTP
  • CrossFTP
  • FileZilla
  • ForkLift
  • Transmit
  • Viper FTP
  • Catamenia
  • CloudMounter
  • Classic FTP

What are FTP servers used for?

Typically, FTP servers are used to:

  • data exchange betwixt any group of people (confidential documents, photographs, etc.);
  • convenience of working with corporate resources (uploading files to the hosting).

What port is used in FTP?

By default, a connection is established through port 21 unless another port is set.

How to know the FTP site address?

The site FTP address is the hostname or IP address of the server. It tin can exist found out from the provider or from the owner of the resource to which yous are connecting to.

What are the almost widely used FTP commands?

To work with the protocol standard UNIX-commands are used. A consummate listing of them can be found by typing in the special line "help" or "?". The most normally used commands are:

  • open - establishes a connection with an FTP site. It is used when accessing different servers during ane session. Requires preliminary closing of the previous FTP site with the close command;
  • user - used to re-enter the user proper noun and password for authentication. The function is necessary in cases where the remote motorcar allows users with certain parameters;
  • goodbye or quit - used in parallel with close, closes all communications and terminates program execution;
  • remotehelp - opens help data for commands supported by the remote FTP server.

What is the difference betwixt FTP and HTTP?

If HTTP was originally provided by the creators for the transfer of hypertext and small text files, so FTP serves to send almost any file.


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