wow what to do as soon as you hit 120

So yous've simply striking level 120 in Battle for Azeroth. Now what? Discover out what you tin can do correct now and how to fix your graphic symbol for raiding.

Battle for Azeroth has been out for little more than a full week at present, and many players are eithersimply hitting Level 120 or accept already put in the grind to get there. Chances are, you're one of them.

But one major question that keeps popping upwards equally players accomplish the level cap is, "what exercise I do when I hit Level 120?". On the surface, it would seem pretty simple that your side by side steps would be gearing up to raid. Even so,BfA doesn't exactly make it clear how to get about doing that, and there are more than options for future raiders and dungeoneers than always before when information technology comes to endgame content.

This guide helps demystify some of that by going over some of the best techniques for getting prepared for raiding past going over:

  • State of war Campaigns
  • Dungeons
  • Reputations
  • World Quests
  • War Mode
  • Island Expeditions

Permit's go started with 1 of the all-time ways to maximize your early efforts after hitting Level 120.

State of war Campaign

Dungeons are the first get-to for near players, merely there's a better, more optimal beginning pick. If y'all haven't already started your BfA War Campaign quests, first them now. Actually, they should be the first thing that y'all practice.

Your State of war Entrada unlocks so many of the other things that you need for BfA'south endgame content, including a new set up of globe quests, that information technology should be your number one priority.

The State of war Campaign brings the faction state of war theme of BfA to the forefront and allows yous to piece of work with prominent members of your faction to wage war. Eventually, you lot venture onto the other factions continent and establish footholds in each zone. It's an interesting quest line, and information technology opens upwards three new zones to explore.


They are an obvious pick, of class, only dungeons award some of the all-time gear early on on in an expansion. They also requite you a chance to practise for your future raiding or Mythic+ goals.

Let's accept a wait at what each type of dungeon provides in terms of gear.

Normal Dungeons

Equally shortly as you striking Level 120, you'll accept all of the normal difficulty dungeons unlocked and set to queue for. These dungeons award Item Level 310 gear, and you can run them equally many times every bit yous like. Normal dungeons are probably your best bet for early on gearing.

In that location is a serious drawback to running normal dungeons right at present, though. At this stage in the expansion, queue times for DPS classes are extremely high. While you're queued for normal dungeons, yous should probably explore one of the other BfA options, like your War Campaign or World Quests.

Heroic Dungeons

As soon as your character reaches Item Level 305, you lot'll be able to commencement queuing for heroic-difficulty dungeons. These are a major step up from normal for a number of reasons.

Offset, anybody in the dungeon will have better gear, so they tend to run more smoothly. Side by side, those insane queue times are considerably shorter, down as low as x minutes. Finally, the gear that comes from heroic dungeons is Particular Level 325, but it has a risk to titanforge even college. It'south not likewise uncommon to see Detail Level 340 pieces driblet.

Equally shortly every bit y'all're eligible, heroic dungeons should be your main choice for gearing at this stage in the game. Globe quests are yet good, but heroics will generally award meliorate gear.

Mythic Dungeons

You tin can technically queue for mythic dungeons at any point because you lot need to form your ain groups and physically go to the dungeon in the globe. That said, y'all should probably have a decent amount of heroic level gear before trying.

Once you lot feel confident and are in at least the Particular Level 320 range, you should start looking for mythic dungeon groups. The best ways to team up for these dungeons are:

  • Guilds
  • Grouping Finder

Guilds are basic for WoW at this point, and y'all're probably already part of one. If not, there are plenty of groups forming in the group finder for mythic dungeons all the fourth dimension, and this is the perfect time to become in on the ground floor of what will evolve into the Mythic+ progression.

Mythic dungeons award Detail Level 340 gear.


Reputations are a large deal in Boxing for Azeroth. The near immediate thing you lot need to know is that reputations volition unlock world quests. Once you have a "friendly" reputation with each of the leveling factions from your faction'due south continent, they'll become available.

Next, reputations unlock some great early on gear. With ane reputation at honored, y'all'll be able to purchase an Item Level 320 cloak from that faction's emissary vendor. Every bit you progress and increase those reputations to revered, you'll accept access to Item Level 335 gear.

The Champions of Azeroth faction headed by Magni Bronzebeard, the same diamond dwarf that gave you your necklace, offers an Detail Level 355 piece on reaching exalted. As you lot progress with their reputation, Magni increases the item level of your Eye of Azeroth past xv item levels with each reputation level you accomplish, up until exalted.

Reputations are also going to be key in unlocking flight later in the expansion, then in that location's no reason to delay in leveling them up.

World Quests

World quests are going to be one of your first existent sources of gear. Equally soon as you unlock them, you're bound to notice a few that offer upgrades. Also, keep a expect out for emissary quests at the lesser of your map. Many of them award amend gear than completing a single world quest does.

World quest rewards scale with your item level. They range from 295 to 330. Because world quests calibration with your gear, they're unremarkably not a peachy style to get all of your gear, simply they offer a bully way to make full in problem pieces that you can't seem to get any other way.

Just like in Legion, world quests and the respective emissary quests are an excellent source of reputation. Even when y'all've geared beyond the rewards of world quests, its worthwhile to keep doing them for the rep.


Warmode is one of the real stand-out features of Boxing for Azeroth, even if it is a somewhat controversial one. Warmode tries to revolutionize world PvP like the game has never seen. Past switching on Warmode, y'all enter a new version of your server with merely other people looking to fight out in the world. The result is a more volatile earth where fights can break out at whatsoever time, and groups from to become fight the opposing faction.

Warmode doesn't currently award gear, just it volition accolade Conquest Points to purchase gear when the PvP season begins on September iv. Until and then, Warmode is just fun.

Groups are constantly forming in the grouping finder to get battle the enemy faction. If you're more of a lone wolf, you tin however stalk effectually the world looking for enemy players. You're bound to find some. Earth quests with Warmode on also spark some seriously interesting interactions, especially ones for neutral factions like the Champions of Azeroth.

Island Expeditions

Island expeditions were sort of a wildcard when BfA first launched. No i was quite sure how they would play out in practice. Early on impressions are in, and the response is overwhelmingly positive. Island expeditions are fun. They're something unlike WoW has ever washed, but they experience similar a very natural development of the game.

Isle expeditions pit you lot an ii other players against more than advanced A.I. in a race to collect Azerite on a randomly-generated uncharted island loaded with enemy creatures and more than than a few powerful rare ones. If y'all're looking to amp upwardly that experience, you can choose to face off with actual players in a PvP version of the Azerite race.

These are a genuinely challenging and dynamic way to play. No ii are alike, and the A.I. actually does give you some real opposition. Island expeditions are similar dungeons, bachelor in normal, heroic, and mythic difficulties. That means you lot tin can press into college difficulties for more of a challenge. Of course, the PvP version pushes everything to the max.

For collecting antiquity ability to level up your Center of Azeroth necklace, isle expeditions are unbeatable. There's a weekly Azerite goal that you need to see through the expeditions, and when you do, y'all'll be awarded 2500 artifact power. There'due south a small gamble that yous'll become weapons from completing expeditions too, merely they're non a reliable source of gear.


Hopefully, you take a expert idea how y'all desire to brainstorm your endgame feel in Battle for Azeroth. A whole new set of content will drib on September 4 when the Uldir raid opens up and the PvP season begins. That as well marks the beginning of Mythic+ dungeons in BfA. Even afterward that happens, many of these tips and strategies for gearing up volition still be the best sources of early gear for your new 120 characters.

If you lot found this guide helpful, accept a await at our other Battle for Azeroth guides from experienced WoW players here on GameSkinny.

Published Aug. 24th 2018


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